22 April 2010

The trees outside are exploding into dense, perfumed clouds of pink and red. It's as violent and extreme as any birth and breathtaking.  
The fog of all the things that haunted me all season has lifted, and I feel relief. It's been hard to find clarity in the haze of winters hibernation. When everything is dead and grey outside, I crave little indoor fires and when there is isn't one, I spend too much time trying to create one.  Fun turns into need and that's where I get lost.  I am not about to ruin my limited dance with warm weather, trying to worry about boys. 
Besides, I have a love affair with my electra ticino bike to tend to.(and I wont have to worry about him calling me late at night to tell me he's leaving me for someone else)


  1. that's cool! I love the last verse!

  2. Lovely insights. Happy to have found your blog


  3. Yeah, you can always count on a bike...until it's tires go flat and it leaves you for the bike shop...where you just KNOW that it is going to meet other bikes- damn...

  4. I like your words and pictures! Captivating! thanks PS) hope your bike is well!

  5. Nature is a very healing force!

